Early Wednesday afternoon, protestors formed a human-chain in front of other protestors holding a “Wall Off Trump” banner, which represented a wall intended to “enclose Trump’s hatred” within the Quicken Loans Arena, the site of the RNC, claimed one of the participants. Photo by Pankaj Khadka/BUNS
Early Wednesday afternoon, protestors formed a “Wall Off Trump” to “enclose Trump’s hatred” within the Quicken Loans Arena, the site of the RNC, claimed one of the participants. Photo by Pankaj Khadka/BUNS
Californian delegates Felicia Tweedy, left, and Trisha Bowler are amused by Trump t-shirts at a booth outside the Quicken Loans Arena on Wednesday morning. Photo by Pankaj Khadka/BUNS
Marni Halasa, a New York residing professional figure skater and political performance artist, dons a butterfly costume at Public Square in Cleveland as a protest against Donald Trump’s nomination. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
A man kneels in prayer form and talks about the need for everyone to look past their differences and come together as one at the Public Square. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
Jesse Gonzales, 26, from Lakewood, Ohio walks at the Public Square with an American-made AKM. Gonzales claimed he was exercising his Second Amendment rights to open carry. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
Members of Bikers for Trump gathered at the Public Square after hearing rumors that protestors intended to burn the American Flag later that day. They inteded to quell the fire before it even started, one of the riders claimed. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
A man walks with an American flag scribbled with “Stolen Land” at the Public Square on Wednesday night.
Ranan Steiger, 16, holds a sign denouncing “threat speech” as members of Westboro Baptist Church walk into the Public Square, guarded by law enforcement officers. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
Laurie Arbeiter, 57, from New York voices her opinion through placards in front of members of Westboro Baptist Church. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
Members of Westboro Baptist Church are confronted by a group of activists at the Public Square. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
A Donald Trump supporter engages in a heated discussion with a woman after he claimed that women shouldn’t be allowed to vote because “they vote for facism.” Photo by Pankaj Khadka
A protestor stands still as law enforcement officers on bikes and foot form a perimeter on a street in Downtown Cleveland. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
Law enforcement officers ride horses through downtown Cleveland on Wednesday. (Photo by Pankaj Khadka
Members of Rock n Roll City Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence outside the Republican National Convention on Wednesday night. Photo by Pankaj Khadka/BUNS
A crowd gathered outside the Quicken Loans Arena to listen to Senator Ted Cruz deliver his remarks on the Trump president. Cruz, however, never mentioend Trump as his choice for the presidential candidate. Photo by Pankaj Khadka
Pat Anderson, right, a delegate from Minnessota, boos after Sen. Ted Cruz didn’t endorse Donald Trump, the Republican candidate on the third night of Republican National Convention. Phto by Pankaj Khadka/BUNS