By Margo Ghertner
BU News Service
When Cathea Capellupo thinks about Marty Walsh, she said the first thing she thinks of is hope.
“A vote for Mayor Walsh means continued hope for our city,” said Capellupo, who attended Walsh’s election party at the Fairmont Copley Plaza on Tuesday. “Someone who is born, raised, and worked in the city means a lot to me. You aren’t an educator in Boston unless you believe in what you do and I have faith in him.”
The long-time educator in Boston Public Schools said she craves change in the education system and believes Walsh can deliver that change.
“I am a teacher with a degree in education. I graduated in the 70s and there were no jobs in Boston unless you were politically connected — and I wasn’t,” said Capellupo.
Although Capellupo expressed faith and hope in Walsh, she said Mayor Walsh needs to listen and pay attention when it comes to the process of becoming a teacher in Boston.
“I am working as a para-professional. I get bumped from interviews even though I’ve had tenure and it’s an absolute nightmare,” she said.
But, Capellupo, a teacher licensed in special education, said she is in complete agreement with Walsh when it comes to his priorities in education and in making everyone feel welcome.
“You have to educate not just the mind, but the whole soul,” she said. “Our children need more than just academics. They need respect, they need us to listen to them, and that there is always another way.”