“Friday Five” is a weekly podcast from the Boston University News Service hosted by the BUNS Editorial Board where we tackle the week’s top stories. Tune in to stay up to date on all things Boston.
Today we’ll take a look at our top stories from this week, including the anniversary of the Newbury Street School of Fashion Design and our favorites from HubWeek. Let’s get started so you can start your day.
HubWeek Arepas: bunewsservice.com/hubweek-highlights-food-culture/
Newbury Fashion School: bunewsservice.com/newbury-street-l…brates-85-years/
HubWeek Medical: bunewsservice.com/hubweek-device-p…t-on-your-wrist/
Weekly Wonder MBTA: bunewsservice.com/weekly-wonder-mb…iability-scores/
HubWeek Silent Disco: bunewsservice.com/hubweek-2019-ope…ar-silent-disco/