Pennsylvania goes blue, Biden announced as President-elect

Pennsylvania's 20 Electoral College votes put Joe Biden and Kamala Harris over the 270 needed to secure their win.

By Katharine Swindells
BU News Service

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. was announced the 46th president of the United States Saturday morning, after three days of uncertainty as the votes were counted.

The Democratic Biden-Harris ticket defeated incumbent Donald Trump, crossing the required 270 Electoral College Votes by flipping Biden’s childhood home state of Pennsylvania.

President Trump has thus far refused to concede, and said he will be seeking a legal challenge of the result.

In an emailed statement, Biden said he was “honored and humbled by the trust the American people have placed in [him] and in Vice President-elect Harris.”

Biden emphasized that he hoped to bring the nation together after the turmoil of the past year and the increasing polarization nationally and politically.

“With the campaign over, it’s time to put the anger and the harsh rhetoric behind us and come together as a nation,” he said in the statement. “It’s time for America to unite. And to heal.”

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