Oliver Best Vintage Market

Oliver Best Vintage Market
Oct. 3, 2015—The Oliver Best Vintage Market is a collective of local vendors selling everything from antiques to video games every Saturday at POP Allston, a new community space on Brighton Avenue. Oliver Best founder Justin Pomerleau has his own shop called Vivant Vintage and also started the Traveling Spectacular, a circus-style team of vendors who travel to places like the Brimfield Antique Fair and Oliver Best. Emmy Sawich is the owner of antique textile clothing company Counter Couture MFG, and as Pomerleau’s girlfriend helps with the Traveling Spectacular.

The newly opened Oliver Best Vintage Market is a collective of local vendors selling everything from antiques to video games every Saturday at POP Allston, a new community space on Brighton Avenue. Founder Justin Pomerleau has his own shop called Vivant Vintage withing Oliver Best. He also started the Traveling Spectacular, a circus-style team of vendors who travel to places like the Brimfield Antique Fair and Oliver Best.

Oliver Best is a year-round market open every Saturday from 11 to 6. In the three weeks since its opening it hosted over 20 vendors.

Oliver Best Justin Pomerleau

Oliver Best founder Justin Pomerleau organizes his wares at the Oliver Best Vintage Market. “One of the biggest challenges is picking up the momentum as quick as possible. It’s only our third week and we’ve probably got double the traffic than we had the first week,” Pomerleau said. (Photo by: Ann Singer/BUNS)

Emmy Sawich

Emmy Sawich, owner of antique textile clothing company Counter Couture MFG, folds scarves at the Oliver Best Vintage Market, founded by Vivant Vintage owner and Sawich’s boyfriend, Justin Pomerleau. “What I like about the market is the vibe; the vendors are all young and have a gypsy persona about them. It’s really great to be among such an eclectic crew,” Sawich said. (Photo by: Ann Singer/BUNS)

Lizzy Malvicini, left, and Greg Parent, right, take in the mélange of vintage items at the Oliver Best Vintage Market. “We’re just browsing, but it feels like we’ve been down here for hours,” Parent said. (Photo by: Ann Singer/BUNS)

The Oliver Best Vintage Market is a collective of local vendors selling everything from antiques to video games every Saturday at POP Allston, a new community space on Brighton Avenue. “We’re a vintage and antiques market that allows local artists and small businesses to showcase their wares in the heart of Boston,” Oliver Best founder Justin Pomerleau said. (Photo by: Ann Singer/BUNS)

Oliver Best Vintage market

The Oliver Best Vintage Market is a collective of local vendors selling everything from antiques to video games every Saturday at POP Allston, a new community space on Brighton Avenue.  (Photo by: Ann Singer/BUNS)




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