Larry Wilmore Lashes Out at ‘Narcissistic Sociopath’ Trump

Larry Wilmore addresses crowd at Health Law Advocates Benefit Breakfast. Photo by Rob Carter/BU News Service
Written by Rob Carter

By Rob Carter
BU News Service

Comedian Larry Wilmore attacked the “narcissistic sociopath” Donald Trump in his speech headlining the Health Law Advocates’ 21st Annual Benefit Breakfast Wednesday. Wilmore delivered his address in the form of a mock interview of himself in front of the crowd of donors, asking and then explaining his thoughts and feelings about the recent presidential election.

“This is great,” Wilmore began. “I’ve always wanted to know how I felt about this election.”

Wilmore has never been shy about sharing his political opinions and launched right into them on Wednesday, starting his one man interview with the question “Were you excited?”

“I was excited in the way you’re excited watching an asteroid barreling toward Earth,” Wilmore said. “It’s spectacular, but you’re going to die.”

Wilmore’s complaints with Trump were centered around the tone of his campaign and the company Trump kept, which he said was undeniably racist even if Trump himself isn’t.

“I don’t think he has any consistent convictions beyond winning and winning for Trump,” he said. “I think at best he’s a lazy racist. I’m more concerned with a cabinet of deplorables.”

Despite his assertion that Trump had no real convictions, Wilmore said “People have the right to take him at his word for everything he said.”

It’s on Trump to prove through his actions that he isn’t any of the racist, misogynistic, or xenophobic things he ran as, according to Wilmore.

The bit was a cathartic experience for the crowd of Health Law Advocates donors, many of whom expressed concern with the new administration effect on the communities the group seeks to help. Health Law Advocates describes itself as “public interest law firm whose mission is to provide pro bono legal representation to low-income residents experiencing difficulty accessing or paying for needed medical services.” A task that several guests indicated could be much more challenging if the Affordable Care Act is repealed as Trump promised he would do if elected.

The breakfast benefit is the group’s primary source of sponsorship with individual contribution packages starting at $500 for two seats. Health Law Advocates said the donations raised by the breakfasts have enabled them to help more than 10,000 families get the medical services they need.

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