In Loss, Clinton Waits to Give Concession Speech

Attendees watch the big screen depicting commentary and commercials during Hillary Clinton's Election Night Event, Nov. 8, 2016, outside the Javits Center. Photo by Alexandra Wimley/BU News Service
Written by Sarah Toy

By Sarah Toy
BU News Service

NEW YORK CITY — Hillary Clinton has yet to make a formal concession speech after her loss to Republican rival Donald Trump last night.

Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States early Wednesday morning, defeating Clinton in a stunning upset that defied most poll-based predictions.

Her campaign chairman, John Podesta, took the stage at the Javits Center briefly at the end of the night.

“I know you’ve been here a long time,” he told the crowd, some of whom had waited since 1 p.m. to see Clinton. “Several states are still too close to call, so we’re not going to have anything tonight.”

He thanked Clinton’s supporters and promised the campaign would have more to say the next day.

For Clinton supporters, it was a disappointing end to an evening that began with little anxiety and high spirits. Clinton’s campaign prepared an elaborate block party with blaring music and food trucks just outside the Javits Center for the expected overflow of people. Thousands came to witness the woman they believed would be the first female president of the United States.

As the results came in and the race tightened, the mood at the Javits Center became tense. The crowds booed as they watched Trump take swing state after swing state on a large projected screen.

Eileen Tepper of New York left as the race tightened. “I’m scared,” she said. “I was fully confident, but now I’m getting nervous.” Many others did the same.

By midnight, most of the initial crowd outside the Javits Center had dispersed. At around 2 a.m., Podesta thanked supporters and told them to head home.

Clinton volunteers Katie Edmond and Lindsey Grier of New York were distraught at the results.

“It’s been a really hard night,” said Grier.

Rudolph Pongnon, a New Yorker who stayed until the end of the night to support Clinton, offered his opinion of Trump. “He caters to fear, bigotry, and people’s distrust of government,” he said. “He’s everything that’s bad about America.”

Although Clinton has yet to make a concession speech, she called Trump to congratulate him at the end of the night, he said during his victory speech. She is expected to give one later this morning.


Ann Singer contributed reporting. 

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