Getting Outdoors in Southie: Easy Feat

Waterfront South Boston.
Written by Maura Barrett

Maura Barrett
BU News Service

Peter O’Leary, 21, grew up playing baseball on the Moakley Park fields in South Boston.  He recalls always feeling safe and said the parks and beaches in Southie are kept relatively clean.  In addition to Moakley Park, Medal of Honor park is in the northern end of Southie and City Point on the eastern end has a long green park bordering the beach that leads to Castle Island. The neighborhood is home to many young families who frequent playgrounds at each of these parks.

South Boston main public parks and green spaces.

South Boston main public parks and green spaces.

But the neighborhood’s greatest outdoor attraction is the three mile beach that stretches along the southern edge of town. The distance to the beach is walkable for anyone in good physical and in the summer people from across the city and beyond swell these beaches to capacity. And even in winter, you can find the L Street Brownies taking their annual Polar Bear plunge into the frigid Atlantic on New Year’s Day.


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