March for Our Lives participants march toward the Boston Common on Saturday. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
March for Our Lives participants march toward the Boston Common on Saturday. March 24, 2018. Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
March for Our Lives protestors carry signs to the Boston Common on Saturday. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
March for Our Lives walkers make their way to the Boston Common on Saturday. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Laura-Luiza Gouvêa leads a chant as March for Our Lives participants move toward the Boson Common on Saturday. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
March for Our Lives protestors arrive at the Boston Common. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
March for Our Lives protestors chant at the Boston Common. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
March for Our Lives rally-goers chant at the Boston Common. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Sydney Olney holds a sign stating “Books not Bullets” during the March for Our Lives protest on the Boston Common. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Students gather on the Boston Common during the March for Our Lives protest. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student, Leonor Munoz, speaks during the March for Our Lives protest on the Boston Common. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Protestors embrace during the March for Our Lives protest. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Students gather on the Boston Common during the March for Our Lives protest. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
A poet performs a spoken word piece at March for Our Lives protest at the Boston Common. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Students gather on the Boston Common lawns during the March for Our Lives protest. March 24, 2018. Photo by Jessica Richardson / BU News Service
Hussein Abdi, a 19-year-old student from Springfield Central High School, calls for regulations over Smith and Wesson, the manufacturer of the firearm killing 17 people at Parkland, Fla. high school. March 24, 2018. Photo by Sizhong Chen / BU News Service
“Now is time for Washington to work great for the people,” Sen. Elizabeth Warren said at March for Our Lives in Springfield, Mass. March 24, 2018. Photo by Sizhong Chen / BU News Service.
Charlotte Burns, a resident in Springfield, forgot her camera at home and drew sketches of the event instead. March 24, 2018. Photo by Sizhong Chen / BU News Service
A woman waits in the car, waving a banner in her hand and responded to people on the sidewalk. March 24, 2018. Photo by Sizhong Chen / BU News Service
Several hundred people attended the March for Our Lives Saturday afternoon in Springfield. March 24, 2018. Photo by Sizhong Chen / BU News Service
Sen. Elizabeth Warren joined the high school march organizers on the steps in front of the Springfield City Hall. March 24, 2018. Photo by Sizhong Chen / BU News Service
At around 3:30p.m., people started to march along Main St., Springfield. Mach 24, 2018. Photo by Sizhong Chen / BU News Service
By Yanxuan Li
BU News Service
BOSTON – More than 45,000 people made their way from Madison Park Technical Vocational High School in Roxbury to the Boston Common for Boston’s March for Our Lives this Saturday. The student-led march to end gun violence was held in response to last month’s school shooting in Florida, which claimed the lives of 17 students.
The marching group began with 40,000 people but onlookers kept joining as they walked down Columbus Avenue to the Common. At the Common, the crowd encountered a group of counter-protesters of approximately 500 people.
The counter-protesters were holding signs like, “Second Amendment is not negotiable” and, “Armed Guards to Protect our Children.” Some of them confronted the protesters face-to-face. Police kept a safe line between the two groups so the march could continue without violence.
The event culminated in a rally in the Boston Common. Students, teachers and residents from underrepresented communities spoke about their experience related to gun violence and their wish to change the situation nationwide.
Leslie Chiu, a graduate of Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida spoke during the rally.
“My school will now always be remembered for what took place on February 14, 2018,” Chiu said. “Our generation will carry with us the weight and burden of countless lives lost and we will take it upon ourselves to ensure that on their behalf that we are the last ones in this environment of daily shootings.”
Rally-goers of all ages protested for better safety for all students attending school each day.
“The most impressive part of the rally today is that our students are not only talking about white people. They also include minorities and people of color, whose communities are especially affected by gun violence.” Natalie Ryan, a teacher at Lawrence High School, said.
Rachel Iler-Keniston, a senior at Belmont High School, was among the young people who chanted and held up signs during the march.
“I’m here because I want the voice to be heard.” Iler-Keniston said. “I think people are too careful about saying that they don’t support the Second Amendment. … We are just calling for common sense gun laws. We are not denouncing the Second Amendment.”
Iler-Keniston said the protesters at the rally had just as much right to be there.
“It’s the freedom of speech,” Iler-Keniston said. “They can speak out their opinions. Personally, I think guns are out of date. There’s no use that I can think of. They are not actually beneficial.”
Throughout the rally protesters chanted, “Enough is enough,” “This is what democracy looks like” and “ Hey, Hey, ho, ho, the NRA has got to go.”
[…] with the majority wearing shirts branded by slogans including “Massachusetts Vote16” and “March for Our Lives,” to testify to the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Election Laws in support of the Empower […]