The community Puppy Bowl was hosted at the Seaport Polkadog Bakery, Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
The teams making their way out onto the field at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
Is this pup looking for the ball or a treat? He must’ve worked up an appetite at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ Bu News Service
The home team has the ball, but the Aruban rescue pups are hot on his tail at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
Competition was heating up at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
This handsome pup was running up and down the field at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ Bu News Service
These two pups don’t seem to realize they’re on the same team. They had the home field advantage at Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer / BU News Service.
It’s important to stop and refuel. This Aruban pup stopped mid-game for a snack at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
The referee trying to keep things interesting and fun at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
The Aruban pups at the Seaport Puppy Bowl on Saturday were all up for adoption, which means they’ll give plenty of kisses to try and get taken home. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
Logan and his mom, Heather, posing for a photo at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
This little guy was tired out after playing hard in the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
Lauren Barbo, one of the event coordinators, smiling with an adoptable friend at the Seaport Puppy Bowl Saturday. Photo by Kendall Tamer/ BU News Service
Polkadog Bakery in the Seaport, WS Development and a nonprofit organization called New Life for Paws collaborated to put on an adoption event Saturday. Coordinators Claire Kilcullen and Laura Barbo helped to set up a puppy sized football arena for the Seaport Puppy Bowl where six rescue puppies from Aruba came to play and, hopefully, be adopted. Neighborhood dogs were also welcome to come and join in the fun. Play was mediated by a dog referee, and the nearby bakery sold plenty of treats to the canine athletes.