Gallery: 250th Anniversary of the Boston Tea Party

Boston University News Service

The Boston Tea Party, which was first demonstrated in December 16, 1773, was an act of civil disobediance against a British tea monopoly. This act was pivotal in escalating tensions between Britain and American colonies, eventually leading to the Revolutionary War in which America would gain its independence.

Crowds gathered on Saturaday in Boston’s financial district for a series of reenactments before marching to Atlantic Warf on Congress Street to recreate the momentous performace of dumping tea into the Boston Harbor.

Video by Tyra Brooks | Boston University News Service
Photo by Tyra Brooks | Boston University News Service
Video by Suryatapa Chakraborty | Boston University News Service
Photo by Tyra Brooks | Boston University News Service
Video by Tyra Brooks | Boston University News Service
Photo by Suryatapa Chakraborty | Boston University News Service
Video by Tyra Brooks | Boston University News Service

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