Boston – First commissioned by the Greenway Conservancy in 2020, Lantern Stories, a public art installation by Boston-based interdisciplinary artist Yu-Wen Wu, is back in Chinatown’s Chin Park until November 30, 2022.
Lanterns from Taiwan-born and Boston-raised artist Yu-Wen Wu’s art installations hang along in Chin’s Park near Chinatown Gate. The artwork comprises 31 lanterns celebrating the past, present, and future of Boston’s vibrant Chinatown community. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS) A close-up of some of the lanterns from Lantern Stories in Chinatown. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS)One of the lanterns presents immigration history with one of the photographs showing President Lyndon B. Johnson signing the Immigration Bill of 1965. The design of the lanterns reflects the long history of Chinese immigration to the United States and further calls for equality and unity. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS)A lantern in Yu-Wen Wu’s installation Lantern Stories in Chinatown embodies the Mid-Autumn Festival, a Chinese traditional festival. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS) For the 2022 re-installation of Lantern Stories, Wu designed seven new lanterns, including “Stop Asian Hate,” Exclusion Act” and other lanterns built by artists from Boston and San Francisco. The lantern reads “Black Lives Matter” in both English and Mandarin. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS)Each lantern tells a different story revealed by light. Wu also plans to present a similar artwork in San Francisco’s Chinatown to explore stories of the community soon. Another close-up of Yu-Wen Wu’s artwork Lantern Stories in Chinatown. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS)One of the lanterns shows words like “invisible” and “xenophobia,” which encompass the collective memories of immigrants. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS)The lanterns slice the night sky and the lights glow. (Photo by Angie Ye / BUNS)
So cool!