By Ananya Swaroop
Boston University News Service
Always bustling with chatter and peppy music, Club Café in Boston transformed into a lively watch party destination on the night of Nov. 5. The atmosphere was electric as an enthusiastic crowd of local residents gathered to watch the results come in. For many, the election night was more than just a political event, and they did not leave any chance to express their support.
Surrounded by mostly Democratic supporters, people donned campaign pins, waved banners and exchanged predictions about key swing states over drinks and delicious food. Supporters rejoiced with cheers whenever Vice President Kamala Harris gained ground, but things soon got tense as the vote tallies rolled in.
Disappointed with the results, frequent visitor Lara Hill decided to call it a night. “I voted for Kamala,” she said. “I am cautiously optimistic, but I am also super pissed off where things are headed right now.”
The close race in pivotal states, like Pennsylvania and Michigan, had everyone glued to the screen. But despite the tense environment, the evening fostered a sense of community. People exchanged thoughts over drinks, while many clinked glasses in cautious optimism. One attendee described the scene as the perfect spot to watch the elections unfold.
Cal, a customer watching the voting results with his friend, said, “I am really determined to want to see Trump lose because I hate him. I voted early, and I voted for Kamala.”
As the night progressed, more people began to leave the venue, mostly dejected. Alexandra Capps said that she attended the watch party because she wanted to be in “an area where people had similar opinions” as her and so that she could watch the coverage and “feel good about it.”
The results may have been different from what Club Café visitors hoped for, but their voices and collective energy showcased an undeniable force for democracy.