By Michael Sol Warren and Andrea Asuaje
BU News Service
Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump asserted themselves on Super Tuesday, both nationwide and in the Bay State.
Donald Trump won six states on Tuesday: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee and Virginia.
During his victory speech at the Mar-A-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Fla., Trump called himself a “unifier” for the Republican party. He also answered questions from reporters after his speech, in which he was introduced by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.
Clinton’s big win in South Carolina last week foreshadowed her march through the South on this Super Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Clinton took home victories in Alabama, American Samoa, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Virginia, Tennessee and Texas.
Bernie Sanders won four states: Colorado, Minnesota, Oklahoma and his home state of Vermont.
“I am proud to be spreading Vermont values all across this country,” Sanders told a hometown crowd in his victory speech.
Sanders took his home-state advantage to the next level; Clinton didn’t even receive enough votes to be awarded delegates in the state.
Ted Cruz took first place Alaska, Oklahoma and Texas, where he delivered his victory speech in which he urged Republicans — including fellow nominees who have not won any delegates — to unite against Donald Trump.
Tuesday was also a big night for Marco Rubio. The Florida senator won his first primary on Super Tuesday, taking first place in the Minnesota race.
Ben Carson and John Kasich, both still in the running for the Republican nomination, did not win any primaries or caucuses Tuesday.
Jim Gilmore, who dropped out of the Republican race on February 12, won the city of Chelsea in Massachusetts.
Jim Gilmore won Chelsea
— Garrett Quinn (@GarrettQuinn) March 2, 2016